Dahlia Growing Guide

  • Wait to plant out into your garden until after all danger of frost has passed. Frost dates can be found for your zip code on the Farmers’ Almanac website, but monitoring your local ten day forecast will provide the most accurate information on temperatures!

  • Amend your soil as necessary with compost and fertilizer. Dahlias thrive in loose, well drained soil with full sun exposure.

  • Plant 6” deep - place horizontally in the soil with the eye facing up. Make sure plants are at least 12” apart.

  • Water only when you see signs of sprouting. Watering too early can lead to tuber rot (though a little rain is ok!). Once sprouts have appeared, water deeply 2-3 times per week, depending on the weather.

  • Pinch with pruners above the 3rd or 4th leaf set when the plant is 8”- 12” tall. This will lead to branching, more stability for the plant, and more blooms!

  • Stake or trellis the plant for support if you notice them tipping under the weight of the blooms.

  • Harvest the blooms when the flower is 3/4 open and place immediately in water. Dahlias last longest when they are harvested in the cool, early morning hours. Some say a quick dip in boiling water upon cutting can help their vase life, and flower food will help as well.